Venture DAO fund
carefully vetted investments into Blockchain, Web3, and hi-tech projects
13 Key Areas We Invest In
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Afford.Capital numbers and figures
investors network
projects with $1B+ capitalization
startups reviewed
total investment flow
parameters in our startups scoring model
sectors we invest in
Afford.Capital numbers and figures
investors network
projects with $1B+ capitalization
startups reviewed
total investment flow
parameters in our startups scoring model
sectors we invest in
Business developer
Responsible for project and fund promotion at conferences, networking, connections, and collaborations. Conducts initial product scoring, decides how well the project integrates into the overall ecosystem and current market trends
Investors Support
accompanies the investor at all stages, solving issues from technical to organizational. Sends updates on all promising projects of the fund.
conducts audits based on expertise in the macro and microeconomic logic of projects. Calculates how much the tokenomics of the project will allow it to be successful in the short and long term. Checks the probability of token devaluation under the current logic of token allocation, lockup and vesting.
monitors new global trends and trends that are either already gaining momentum or are promising.
accelerates the development of the fund's startups through information support and a PR-promotion system. Works in conjunction with the SMM department and helps startups quickly scale and become recognized in the market.
Startup Tracker
helps startups in the fund's portfolio grow and solve current problems by leveraging all of Afford Capital's resources and competencies of Afford.Capital. Coordinates the fund's startups, focusing them on deadlines and Roadmap. Holds regular meetings with startups and calls at the end of the week and month.
Financial analyst
conducts audits based on expertise in the macro and microeconomic logic of projects. Calculates how much the tokenomics of the project will allow it to be successful in the short and long term. Checks the probability of token devaluation under the current logic of token allocation, lockup and vesting.
Our Team
Sergei Kovalev
Innovative entrepreneur and investor in blockchain, Web3, biotech and AI sectors.

Main focus is on startup acceleration and fundraising, selling companies and M&A deals.

Since 2016 Sergei has vetted and screened 6,000 startups and helped raise $965,000,000 for 35 projects.
Nick Bereza
Nick is an entrepreneur with 7 years of experience in franchising. He created over 30 franchises and conducted over 100 deals selling them.

Nick also brings private investments into various businesses and startups. He has developed proprietary tech system for attracting investors through an automated funnel with a +1,000% ROI in advertising.

Being Afford.Capital's business partner, advisor, and COO, Nick is also in charge of two EdTech projects and runs a team of 90 people.
Our Team
Konstantin Kop
Konstantin is a global business development and partnerships head with deep knowledge in DeFi and crypto marketing space.

He has helped raise funds for blockchain startups since the 2017 crypto boom and attended over 30 conferences worldwide.
Our Team
What Problems Do Investors Face When Buying in on Web3 Projects?
Problem 3
“How do I profit from investing and insure myself against losing money?”
Lacking expertise in saving and growing assets without falling for scam projects
Problem 2
“How does that even work? What is a DAO? Where will my money be stored? How do I control/withdraw them?”
Facing difficulties while interacting with tech businesses and projects due to poor mastery of technical skills
Problem 1
“Everyone talks a good game but how do I assess an investment in a significant project?"
Poor understanding of quality scoring and vetting of projects. No transparent startup review system.
Problem 6
“A lot of business routines, no time to spare. How do I jump at this opportunity and hit a home run?”
Feeling stuck in the time-consuming process and missing opportunities
Problem 5
“I can’t contact founders directly to get the best pricing proposals and favorable terms”
Having no access to allocations and early-stage projects
Problem 4
“I’m new to crypto and I’ve never encountered WEB3. What should I do?”
Being incompetent in independent project investment
Afford.Capital Offers
We provide the investors with the most up-to-date selections of high-tech blockchain startups at different stages
Community: live meetings and conferences with experts and startup founders.
Project selection, checks and verification with the help of a scoring procedure and our security service
Smart Money: we invest in the projects we offer ourselves, we protect and grow our investments
Access to allocations and projects at their early stages, access to better investment terms and conditions
We handle all the technical aspects, assistance and asset accounting. We provide the reports and analytics
We invest in the projects we offer ourselves, we protect and grow our investments
Making intros to other funds
We carry out co-marketing, co-branding and PR actions
We provide projects with the infrastructure for development and strengthen them with expertise and resources
Smart Money concept: we support and develop projects in the fund’s eco-system
Afford.Capital is a global venture capital DAO fund that invests in early-stage high-tech startups
3-step scoring system for blockchain startups
A smart algorithm analyses historical data, trends, search queries in the Internet and other 30+ parameters.
Project team fills in an application which goes through a scoring model
We use the research experience of our team which analyzed over 6,000 startups to find the projects worthy of attention.
We run the fundamental analysis
We filter out scam, pyramids and the projects that have bad reputation.
Our security team runs their check
A smart algorithm analyses historical data, trends, search queries in the Internet and other 30+ parameters.
Project team fills in an application which goes through a scoring model
We use the research experience of our team which analyzed over 6,000 startups to find the projects worthy of attention.
We run the fundamental analysis
We filter out scam, pyramids and the projects that have bad reputation.
Our security team runs their check
Detailed report with analytics to help you make the most educated investment decisions
  • Competitive analysis
  • Project tokenomics
  • Revenue potential and dynamics
  • Team info and previous projects and success cases
  • Market volume and potential risks assessment
  • Info on VCs and funds that invested into the project
  • Community reputation
What You Gain Working with Us
Investors get access to trending and carefully vetted startups at different stages we use a multi-layer scoring system to select partner projects.
Startups get full support we provide consulting, financial and technical expertise, and industry partnerships to assure rapid project growth and high ROI.
We invest in all portfolio projects using Smart Money concepts our team has an in-depth understanding of the blockchain and web3 space and market conditions at any given time.
Asset management best practices we provide analytics, reports and support during all investment stages.
How Does the Fund Work and How to Invest with Us?
Step 1
  • scoring system
  • analytics
  • security check
Step 2
We sign an agreement with a startup
Step 3
Step 4
Step 6
Step 5
We create a DAO for this project
You buy DAO tokens, which give you the right to receive project tokens
with token capitalization and growth of value
You make money
Afford.Capital applies all of its resources, attracts clients, promotes the project in the community

Fully Transparent Management and Control of your crypto assets
Your assets are stored in a fully accessible DAO. Their safety and security is posered by blockchain technology and audited smart contracts.
Afford.Capital built a large network and knows most of the big players in the blockchain and web3 space. Our investors get access to great project allocations and Smart Invest opportunities. Startups get a powerful boost to scale.
Our Partners
Huobi Ventures
Binance Labs
Big Brain Holdings
Yellow Rocks
Wow Summit
GuyWay Netwotk
Market Making Pro
Binance Smart Chain
Chrono Fund
Venture Investors Community
Gain access to the Afford.Capital knowledge and join our community
Join our private Telegram channel to get full perspective on current portfolio projects, startups and partnerships
Join our private Telegram channel to get full perspective on current portfolio projects, startups and partnerships
Receive regular updates – market overviews, digests of the hottest investment and startup trends and insights
Self-investing vs Afford.Capital
Vast experience in Blockchain and Web3 space is required to be a successful investor
Selecting investment opportunities
is a time-consuming task
Avoiding scams and hype-based
startups are keys when getting involved with web3 and crypto
We use the Smart Money approach and have 7+ yts experience vetting tech projects and diversifying our portfolio for maximum ROI
We use a proprietary scoring system, a team of analysts, and a heavy due diligence process, which takes 20-50 hrs per project
We hand pick each team and startup and openly disclose key metrics to our partners and investors. Safety and transparency are the main factors
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